Cats Available

Purchaser Agrees to the Following

  • Purchaser agrees that this cat/kitten has been purchased as a family pet.

  • He/she will never be sold, leased, given away, put in an animal shelter, humane society, or sold to any pet shop, research laboratory or similar facility.

  • Purchaser agrees that this cat/kitten shall be kept indoors only. This is in the best interest of the cat/kittenā€™s health and safety.

  • Purchaser agrees to care for this cat/kitten by providing proper love, attention, nutrition, routine veterinary care including vaccinations and immediate veterinary care for cat/kitten showing any sign of illness or distress.

  • Purchaser agrees to quarantine the cat/kitten for 2 to 4 weeks from all other household pets. If cat/kitten is exposed to other pets or allowed outside the health guarantee will be null and void.

  • Purchaser agrees to bring this cat/kitten to Purchaserā€™s licensed veterinarian within 72 hours of departure from Breederā€™s home, to insure the health guarantee.

  • Purchaser agrees to forward an original copy of the receipt from the initial veterinary exam for this kitten to the Breeder in the attached self-addressed envelope. The receipt must include the veterinarianā€™s name, address, phone number, Purchaserā€™s name, address, date of service, cat/kittenā€™s name and description (i.e.: breed, color, markings, sex), to insure health guarantee.

  • Purchaser agrees to be patient with this cat/kitten as it acclimates to the Purchaserā€™s home and not expect too much, too quickly. Breeder can make no guarantees regarding how long it will take this cat/kitten to adjust to the new environment.

  • Purchaser understands it is Purchaserā€™s responsibility to be aware of any family members or visitors who may have a medical condition which could/would be aggravated by the presence of this cat/kitten.

  • The Breeder will not be held responsible if, for any reason, this cat/kitten causes upset in the Purchaserā€™s household.

  • Breeder will assist Purchaser with placement or Purchaser may return the cat/kitten, but there will be NO REFUND

Assurances to Purchaser

  • This cat/kitten has been given a thorough exam by a licensed veterinarian and been found healthy.

  • This cat/kitten leaves here today with no signs of illness.

  • This cat/kitten has been given at least its first 3-way vaccination and any other vaccinations noted in the medical record provided with this cat/kitten. (Please note further vaccinations are required to insure your petā€™s continued good health)

  • This cat/kitten has also been treated for internal parasites, prophylactically, as noted in accompanying medical records.

  • A Health Certificate from a licensed veterinarian will be provided with the kitten.

  • Our ragdolls are registered and pedigrees are available.

  • Breeder will be available to Purchaser for any questions regarding this cat/kitten.

Life Guarantees and Circumstances Beyond Our Control

  • Cat/kitten is guaranteed to be of sound health the time of departure from the Breederā€™s home.

  • This cat/kittenā€™s health is guaranteed for a period of 3 days from time of purchase (departure from Breederā€™s home) if checked by a licensed veterinarian within said 3 days.

  • The new cat/kitten must be quarantined from other pets during this time and adhere to quarantine requirements.

  • If a licensed veterinarian discovers the kitten is not in good health, the Purchaser must contact the Breeder immediately and provide the Breeder with a signed veterinary report describing the health status of the cat/kitten.

  • Purchaser must notify the Breeder of any claim under the warranty immediately. Any necessary treatment or other expenses are the responsibility of the Purchaser. All health-related decisions and expenses are the responsibility of the owning party.

  • If this kitten/cat is found to have been neglected by the Purchaser, or in ill health for an unreasonable length of time, or if the Purchaser does not abide by the terms of this contract, action can be taken to protect the cat.

  • If the cat/kitten is found to be medically deficient by a licensed veterinarian with an untreatable or life threatening problem, it must be reported to the Breeder immediately. Breeder reserves the right to have the case reviewed by Breederā€™s veterinarian. At Breeders discretion, upon the return of the cat/kitten and all medical documentation including but not limited to x-rays, medical records and written veterinary certification of medical condition, a replacement cat/kitten of equal value or a refund of the purchase price will be made.

  • If no replacement is available at that time, Breeder will have 6 months to furnish a replacement. The cat/kitten cannot be returned after the guarantee period (aforementioned 3 days) has expired and/or if the cat/kitten has been exposed to another animal or been allowed to go outdoors.

  • Breeder cannot guarantee that a kitten does not have a corona titer. Breeder guarantees New Jersey Ragdoll cats have been tested and proven to be virus free.

  • Breeder further guarantees to follow the best possible practices known, test the adults, and follow guidelines for making sure that exposure risk is minimal. There is no good test for FCV nor is there a proven vaccine for FCV or FIP.

  • Breeder promises to do all Breeder can to make New Jersey Ragdoll kittensā€™ environment the safest possible and will replace any kitten that succumbs to FIP within the first year, which is the year of risk. There will be no refunds.

  • In the case of fatal congenital defects within the first year, the cat/kitten will be replaced or purchase price refunded at Breederā€™s discretion. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to provide immediate veterinary care for the cat/kitten showing signs of illness or distress, and failure to do so will render any guarantee null and void. Under no circumstances is a cat/kitten to be destroyed prior to notification by the Purchaser to the Breeder.

  • If a cat/kitten dies within the first year, despite medical treatment, compensation will be made only if a licensed veterinarian certifies the cause of death to be a fatal congenital defect. This claim would require submission of veterinary records, including but not limited to complete medical records, necropsy, necropsy report, x-rays, written certification of cause of death and return of registration papers. Claims are subject to verification by Breederā€™s veterinarian.

  • Purchaser must be sure to keep the cat/kitten from contact with any other cats/kittens that have not been tested and found negative for FLV, FCV, FIP or other infectious diseases. Failure to comply will void guarantee.

  • Under no circumstances shall the Breederā€™s liability exceed replacement of the cat/kitten or refund of the purchase price.

  • Breeder reserves the right to use any photos of the purchased cat/kitten in any and all advertising, including, but not limited to, internet website advertising in the promotion of New Jersey Ragdoll Cattery.

  • Purchaser agrees to allow the Breeder the right to use his/her cat/kittenā€™s photograph or name in future or existing advertising without remuneration. A facsimile or e-mailed copy of this signed agreement shall be enforceable as an original if the original contract is lost, destroyed or otherwise unavailable.

  • The Breeder assumes no responsibility for medical expenses for any reason. It is further understood and agreed to that no warranty or representation has been made with respect to sold cat/kitten except as set forth in this agreement.

  • This contract is legally binding to all signing parties. It applies only to the Purchaser and the Breeder in this transaction and is non-transferable to other parties.

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